In Dr. Pagnucci's class, Mariah Fairley and I brainstormed and came up with a vision statement:
We will always reassess why we are teachers all the time. Once a week, reflect upon what we have done to implement some of the items in our credo into our life successful academics.
We will be lifelong learners. Go back to school, take courses in anything we wish to learn about, have discussions, engage in conferences, observe others’ teaching, regular reflection, read, try out new ideas, make a list of 10 things to do before we turn 60 and do them, and STAY MOTIVATED.
We and our students make up a learning community. Everyone plays an equal part and is equally responsible for learning. All have agency. All are valuable. Every English is equally valuable.
We will co-create a curriculum with our students -- deciding on content, activities, who leads, connect to real world. Engage students in authentic projects for real purposes -- engaging multiple skills, subjects, literacies.
We want to advocate for community-based learning/ service learning, developing real, usable skills -- learning as helping the community. Create projects for NGOs and other marginalized groups.
We will work for coherence between living and learning -- we see learners as active participants in their communities -- doing meaningful work for themselves and their communities. Learning is not separate from the rest of students’ lives.
Engage in in-depth discussions with educators from around the world especially from Scandinavian countries to see what has been happening in their classrooms to get students to learn English this fluently (highest scores on the SATs).
Inspired by James Britton's work and Freirean theory.